British JLE Genesis Experience Students Take to the Streets for OneFamily

Over 60 energetic university age students, who are primed to become tomorrow’s leaders on campus and within the business world, visited OneFamily’s Jerusalem headquarters on June 24 in order to see, hear and be inspired. The students came to Israel for a three week thought provoking tour of Israel as part of the UK’s renowned JLE Genesis Experience. During the course of their visit, the students were shown a short movie about OneFamily’s cutting edge work with the thousands of people who have been directly and indirectly by terrorism and war. At the conclusion of the film, they were treated to an emotional encounter with Yifat Aluf, an Israeli-American, who lost her father in a suicide bus bombing in Jerusalem. Moved by what they had seen and heard, the students transformed themselves into OneFamily volunteers. They donned the organization’s colorful t-shirts, picked up a charity box and fanned out across Jerusalem to solicit donations from both average Israeli citizens and visiting tourists, including the bustling Mahane Yehuda outdoor market, the Ben Yehuda St. pedestrian mall and the trendy Emek Refaim/German Colony neighborhood. During the course of their charitable adventure in Jerusalem, the students were successfully able to collect thousands of shekels from an array of donors of all ages.IMG_20150623_155449

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