Crisis in Israel: Update

Tuesday, November 18th:

7:11am, attack on Harnof Synagogue (Update)

7:42am, drive by shooting attack near the community of Yitzhar in the Shomron on Route 60, no injuries reported.

8:21am, Arab with a knife was arrested in Bnei Brak.

11:30am, as security forces investigated the Eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukhabber to investigate the Harnof terror attack, residents threw rocks at the security forces.

4:19pm, Two policemen are lightly injured in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem when Arab rioters threw cinder blocks at them.


Monday, November 17th:

1:22pm, an Egged bus driver in Jerusalem committed suicide (autopsy is confirmed) and Jerusalem Arabs riot claiming that settlers murdered the driver.

Condition of Yehuda Glick continues to improve, he is now pushing himself around in a wheelchair and is no longer attached to any breathing assistance.


Sunday, November 16th:

Morning commuters woke up to the concrete blocks, that were placed to protect pedestrians waiting for the light rail, beautifully painted by art activists.

6:00pm, 32 year old man was stabbed in the back with a screw driver in downtown Jerusalem. The victim, who was moderately wounded, made his way on foot to Damascus Gate. There, he alerted Border Police officers patrolling the area to his injuries, showing them the screwdriver that had been lodged in his back.


Shabbat, November 15th:

6:29pm, Antwerp, Belgium: A 31 year old man was stabbed in the throat by an unknown assailant while leaving his synagogue’s Shabbat prayers. He was listed as serious condition.

10:08pm, Arabs in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat threw rocks at the light rail train. Two windows were smashed. No injuries reported.


Friday, November 14th:

2:14pm, ongoing riots in numerous locations: Hevron, East Jerusalem (Kalandia, A-ram, Hizmeh) and demonstrations in Um Al Fahm with over 1500 people led by MK Hanin Zuabi


Below, terror updates provided by,


Thursday, November 13, 2014


22:35 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Anata (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


21:54 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 446 near the village of Luban Benjamin West, damaged (Tazpit News Agency)


21:22 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village to El Arub in Gush Etzion (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


  • Arabs threw stones near the Abu Dis Border Police base


20:22 Arab shining lasers at drivers traveling on Route 60 near the village of Burqa, Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


19:52 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the Turn 160 in Hebron (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


19:43 Sharon: Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the Taibeh bridge in the Sharon, the road was closed off and vehicular traffic


19:33 Arabs threw bottles of paint at a bus line 160 near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion (Tazpit New Agency)


19:26 Arabs threw rocks at an Israeli bus near the intersection “British Police Junction” in the Binyamin (Tazpit News Agency)


19:19 Arabs threw stones at the bus stop on Route 60 near the village of Mocmos Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


18:04 Again: Arabs threw stones at the Kiryat Arba settlement fence Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


17:42 Arabs threw stones at vehicles in Wadi Ara, near the village of Barta, damaged (salvage Judea and Samaria)


17:39 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Silwad Benjamin, (Tazpit News Agency)


17:15 Arabs threw stones at the Afikim bus line #101 near Bitot in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


17:14 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at an army vehicle Husan bypass road in Gush Etzion (Tazpit New Agency)


16:26 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the Har Hebron ommunity of Mount of Othniel. Damaged (salvage Judea and Samaria)


16:22 Arabs fireworks at a ‘Photographer’ House’ in the City of David in Jerusalem (Tazpit New Agency)


15:46 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Dir Nizam Benjamin West (Tazpit New Agency)


15:44 Arabs threw rocks at an IDF force near the fence of the town of Kiryat Arba (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


15:21 Dozens of Arabs threw rocks at IDF forces near the village of Nabi Saleh Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


15:02 Arabs threw rocks at an Israeli bus near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


15:00 Arabs threw rocks at an Israeli bus near the village of Umm Safa Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


14:48 Again: Arabs throw stones at IDF troops in Hebron near Anun House Square (Tazpit News Agency)


14:09 Arabs threw a bottle of lime at the bus line 174 near the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim, Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


13:55 Arabs threw stones at the settlement of Kfar Etzion settlement security and started a fire near the community (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


13:53 Arabs set fire to a number of locations near the towns of Gush Talmonim Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


13:32 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Jerusalem checkpoint at the entrance to the tunnel. Damage (Htazalah Judea and Samaria)


12:58 Arabs throw rocks at Israeli vehicles near the village of Beit Kahil Mount Hebron (Tazpit New Agency)


12:54 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the road 60 near the intersection Maale Lavona, Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


11:55 Arabs threw stones near Hebro’s Erez Alley (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


11:57 Attack: Savannah-type vehicle driven by an Arab, who raced at three Jews who stood at a bus stop near the community of Neve nectar Benjamin. According to the report, the guard in place aimed at the terrorist’s weapon, which turned the wheel and fled the scene. There were no injuries and the vehicle fled to the nearby village of Bir Zeit. Manhunt in another vehicle (Tazpit New Agency)


11:35 Arabs threw stones at the fence of the settlement of Kiryat Arba (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


11:01 Arab rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces near Beit Anun (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:21 Arab rioters slaughtered seepage and throwing stones at the security forces (Tazpit New Agency)


10:20 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the spring bend near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


8:08 dozen Arab rioters, shooting fireworks and throwing stones at security forces near al-Zaim checkpoint at the entrance Isawiyya



Wednesday, November 12, 2014


  • 17 year old Arab was caught at the junction block Talmonim mail. The case of the suspect was captured a large knife and a screwdriver, and he said on his way to Jerusalem to stab a Jewish bus driver


00:19 Arabs set fire to tires at the post office block Talmonim Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


00:18 Arab rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces Jalazun village and town houses at Bethel (Tazpit New Agency)


21:57 Arab armed with a commando knife captured at the Cave of Machpelah, and allegedly planned to stab soldiers and Jewish civilians. The suspect, in his twenties, taken in for questioning.


  • North: Arab youths aged 16 and 17 from Galilee school stoneda group of Jewish students from a Eliahu field school, who were touring the Arbel Cliff Promenade in the Lower Galilee. The teacher was slightly injured by stones and evacuated for medical treatment at the medical center “HaEmek”. Some students lodged a complaint with the police, who detained the person responsible for Arab students but released him.


21:32 Benjamin: near the village of Aboud,an  Arab threw a Molotov cocktail at a vehicle (Tazpit New Agency)


21:08 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Rantissi (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


21:07 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Maaleh Lavona (Tazpit New Agency)


21:00 Jerusalem stun grenade was thrown at the old railway station near the neighborhood of Abu Tor. Last night stun grenade was thrown at Zion Square


20:59 Hebron Casbah exit, Arab pulled a commando knife and moved toward the border police. He gave himself up to police before being stabbing anyone (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria)


19:19 Etzion: Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the Husan bypass road (Tazpit New Agency)


17:50 Samaria Arabs threw stones near Mevo Dotan (Tazpit New Agency)


17:37 Jerusalem Arabs fireworks at the “Photographer House” (agency Observation)


17:32 Hebron Arabs throw stones at soldiers near the fence of Kiryat Arba (Tazpit New Agency)


17:05 Benjamin: Again Arabs threw stones at vehicles north of Ofra. Damage (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


16:37 Hebron: At Anun, north of Kiryat Arba, Arabs threw stones at IDF (Tazpit New Agency)


16:34 Benjamin: Kochav Yaakov  Arabs threw stones at vehicles (Tazpit New Agency)


16:54 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones and petrol bombs at IDF near Beitillu (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


16:18 Benjamin: Neve Tzuf – Nabi Saleh Arab rioters throwing rocks at a military post (Tazpit New Agency)


15:23 Gush Etzion: the Gush Etzion checkpoint HaLamed-Hey, near the village of Surif, Arabs threw stones at vehicles. Damage (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


15:19 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village Beitillu near Nachliel (Tazpit News Agency)


14:44 Benjamin: Abud bypass road near Neve Tzuf, Arab ignited fires near the road (Tazpit New Agency)


14:37 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 60 north of Ofra (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


14:19 Benjamin: Arabs started a fire near the Morag settlement (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


14:11 Benjamin: Arabs rioted in the village of Luban al-Sharqiya were dispersed by soldiers (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


13:49 Benjamin: Between Nahaliel and Neve Tzuf,  Arabs threw stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


13:49 Benjamin: El Moaiir a village mosque was torched tonight Arabs threw stones at the troops. Israeli journalist arrived and attacked a border policeman fired in the air to bail him (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


13:39 Etzion  -Arabs rioted near Muchtar Hill, between Kfar Etzion and Khirbet Spa, threw rocks and set fire to a large forest fire. Firefighters were called to the scene (view agency)


11:05 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the southern entrance Maaleh Lavonah (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:28 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles Adam Square (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:27 Hebron Arabs threw stones at the car park a motorcycle rider near the Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


  • Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at night ancient synagogue in Shfar’am. Damage



Tuesday, November 11, 2014


23:35 Benjamin: Nili road near the quarry Natuf Ofarim Arabs threw stones at vehicles (Tazpit New Agency)


22:30 Gush Etzion: Arab threw a rock from a passing vehicle on a vehicle of the Jews between Beit Omar and Karmei Tzur (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


21:35 Jerusalem: Arab youth aged 17 was arrested when he was armed with a large knife, after which aroused the suspicion of Border Police in the Old City.


21:27 Arab truck driver deliberately poured gravel on Highway 60 near the village of Luban al-Sharqiya Benjamin. Created significant disruption to traffic (Tazpit New Agency)


20:24 Arabs threw stones at vehicles in Gush Etzion. Damage  (Tazpit News Agency)


20:06 Arabs set fire to a tire on a fence settlement of Kiryat Arba (Tazpit New Agency)


20:44 Arabs shooting fireworks at a “Photographer House” in the Old City (Tazpit News Agency)


19:14 Arabs threw seven  firebombs at the Ofrit base


18:47 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Luban al-Sharqiya Benjamin, damage (Tazpit News Agency)


18:09 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the bridge at Mount Hebron Halhul bridge (Tazpit News Agency)


16:58 Arabs poured oil on Road 60 in the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion, the number of vehicles lost control (Tazpit News Agency)


16:21 Arabs set fire access road to Motzav Mavo the road was blocked (Tazpit New Agency)


16:03 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at a bend Hamiin Gush Etzion, damage (Tazpit News Agency)


15:53 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Kalandia


14:40 Hebron Arabs burned tires on the road home Anun Square (Tazpit News Agency)


14:30 10 Arab rioters at the entrance of Tapuach throwing stones and burning tires (Tazpit New Agency)


13:58 Government employuee by Arabs throwing rocks in the Lower Galilee village of Turan


13:56 soldier was lightly wounded in the face by stones thrown by Arab taxi stand A-Ram Square (Tazpit News Agency)


13:46 Arab procession with PLO flags near the village Jalazun at one gate to the (agency Observation)


13:34 Arab rioters in taxi station in A-Ram (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


13:30 Arabs throwing stones at Jewish cars between junction Maaleh Lavona and Eli (Tazpit News Agency)


13:24 Arabs threw stones at a Jewish bus near the “British Police Junction” (Tazpit News Agency)


13:18 during an IDF patrol , south of Tulkarm, discovered what looked suspicious object. Sappers on the way (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


12:45 Dozens of Arab rioters near Ofer Prison (Tazpit New Agency)


12:34 Arab rioters at the entrance to the village of Nabi Saleh Binyamin (Benjamin security)


12:34 Arabs threw stones at the bus on the road -Hizma Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


12:34 Arabs threw stones at IDF forces in the Hebron Hills Calev section (Tazpit News Agency)


12:27 Arab rioters near post 773 near the village of Sinjil Benjamin. Later opened fire live ammunition at Arabs hurling Molotov cocktails. One Arab was injured (Tazpit New Agency)


12:23 Arabs shot fireworks at police officers on the street in the Old City of Jerusalem Majlis


12:18 Arab rioters near the village Turmus’ayya Benjamin (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


12:17 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Hawara in Samaria (J & S Salvage)


11:54 Twenty Arab rioters threw stones and Nabi Saleh near Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


11:50 Benjamin: Sinjil village dozens of Arab rioting and throwing stones at soldiers. There is currently no disruption to traffic, the report said the Jewish vote


11:28 Benjamin: Arab rioters in the Kerem Raim, Talmonim  (Tazpit News Agency)


11:11 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at vehicles north of Ofra (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


11:01 Benjamin: the village of Luban al-Sharqiya on Highway 60, about 150 Arabs blocked the road


10:55 Hebron: soldiers shot a bright region on the eve of throwing a Molotov cocktail (Tazpit New Agency)


10:45 Benjamin: near the fence of the settlement peaks about 50 Arabs throwing stones and hanging flags of the PLO (Tazpit New Agency)


10:27 Samaria Highway 446 near Lebruchin, Arabs threw stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:19 Hebron, Arabs threw stones and petrol bombs at vehicles on the road Adorayim Negohot (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:15 Benjamin: Arabs threw stones at the bus and vehicles near Turmus problem to south of Shiloh (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:10 the Gush Etzion Gush Etzion Jerusalem road near Al Khader Arabs throw stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:06 Benjamin: Arab rioters road Neria – Gush Talmonim Nahaliel (Tazpit News Agency)


9:50 Benjamin: A transit van for disabled people was attacked near Hizma attacked by Arabs throwing stones, the report on Channel 7


9:31 Hebron: A woman was injured in stone throwing by Arabs near Negohot. Vehicle damage (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:24 Gush Etzion: Arabs threw stones at vehicles south of the spring bend, south of Karmei Tzur . Damaged (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:23 Gush Etzion: Arab threw a Molotov cocktail at an IDF force Gush Etzion road near Beit Ummar, Hebron (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:06 Gush Etzion: Beit Ummar village on Route Gush Etzion, Hebron Arabs threw stones at vehicles and two buses. Dozens of Arab rioters near the village cemetery (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:06 Benjamin: Anata junction dozens of Arab rioters throwing stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron and Tazpit New Agency)


9:03 Gush Etzion: at a busy intersection in eastern Gush Etzion, there is a crowd of Arabs throwing stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


9:03 Gush Etzion: Arab school near Al Khader near the tunnels checkpoint Arabs threw stones at vehicles (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


8:54 Gush Etzion: Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the village of El Arub in Gush Etzion, Hebron Road (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


8:43 Hebron, Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the Beit Anun. Jews stoned fired in the air. (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


8:43 Benjamin: Intersection between Neve Tzuf and Nachliel Arabs blocked the road with stones and threw stones at vehicles (Tazpit New Agency)


8:42 Samaria Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Beit Fouriq (Tazpit News Agency)




Monday, November 10, 2014


23:53 Hebron: a square near the Kiryat Arba Anun Arab threw a stone from a passing vehicle at a vehicle of Jews. Damage (Tazpit New Agency)


22:24 Arabs threw burning tires toward Highway 804 near the intersection Arabe. The road is closed to vehicles


22:13 Arabs invaded Hebro’s Gal Hill, tried to break into a house and when managed fled (Tazpit News Agency)


22:01 Arabs threw stones at the car of Jewish West Bank village of Hawara


21:33 Infiltration declared in the settlement of Kochav Yaakov Benjamin Once identified gap in the fence and identified two suspicious figures near the fence (Tazpit New Agency)


20:08 150 Arabs rioting and throwing stones near Rachel’s Tomb (Tazpit News Agency)


19:23 Samaria Arabs threw stones at a bus at the Yakir intersection. Damage (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


19:00 suspicion of attempted attacks in Beersheba Beersheba resident reported this afternoon that while standing on the sidewalk near the parking uptown train, car attempted to run over it and onto the sidewalk. Police said the woman was not hurt and scans conducted in the two Bedouins arrested as 19 Tel Sheva on suspicion of involvement in the incident.


18:50 roll: At the entrance to the village of Qana Dozens of Arab rioters burning tires and shooting fireworks. Police shut down Highway 754 from pomegranate Kafr Kanna


18:21 Benjamin: In Talmonim Arabs threw rocks at a vehicle near Ras Square Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


18:16 Hebron, Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Carmel (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


18:02 Nazareth: Arabs stoned a bus and police patrol. Damage


17:49 Girl’s bus pelted with stones Arabs. Damaged and one person was injured


16:53 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the Beit Kahil, Hebron Damage (Tazpit News Agency)


16:45 stabbing attack in Gush Etzion junction Alon Shvut,Arab tried to run over return of Jews who were waiting at a bus stop. After failing stabbed three Jews. Dalia Lemkos killed and two seriously wounded Jews and easy. The terrorist was shot and wounded.


16:04 Arabs threw stones at the fence Kiryat Araba (Tazpit New Agency)


15:50 Arabs threw stones near the intersection of Elias, Hebron  (Tazpit News Agency)


15:48 Arabs from a passing vehicle threw an object at her car near a Jewish settlement in the West Benjamin locked, damaged (Tazpit News Agency)


15:45 Arab rioting and throwing stones at the intersection of West Benjamin intact Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


15:33 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the road near the village of Benjamin Crossing, near Nabi Saleh (agency Observation)


15:27 Arabs burning tires near Mount Hebron checkpoint Tarqumiya (Tazpit News Agency)


15:03 Arabs threw stones at vehicles and a bus near the village of Gush Etzion to the El Arub  (Tazpit News Agency)


14:54 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the road bypasses Benjamin West  (Tazpit News Agency)


14:23 Arabs threw stones stones at Wadi Joz in Jerusalem car was damaged


14:22 Arabs threw stones at houses in Nof Zion in Jerusalem, damaged door


13:22 Arabs throw stones at the Psagot settlement fence Benjamin  (Tazpit News Agency)


13:16 Arabs threw stones at the truck at the Beit Dajan Samaria, damaged (salvage Judea and Samaria)


12:28 Etzion: Arabs threw stones at vehicles from Husan Betar Illit (Tazpit New Agency)


12:23 attack in Tel Aviv near the central bus station in Tel Aviv Haahagana Street.  Arab stabbed  soldier fatally wounding Almog Shiloni, he later died at the hospital brought in Tel Hashomer.  The perpetrator was caught and apparently he was injured during the takeover. Another policeman was lightly injured during the arrest of a terrorist.


11:02 Arabs firebombed road vehicles Nili-Ofarim Benjamin West (Tazpit New Agency)


10:48 motorcyclist sustained minor injuries Arabs throwing rocks near the Har Homa neighborhood in Jerusalem (Judea and Samaria Rescue)


10:46 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection Arab Gush Etzion Tekoa (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


10:45 Arabs threw rocks at an Israeli bus near the intersection British police Benjamin, damaged Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


10:36 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Mount Hebron Halhul bridge, damage (Tazpit News Agency)


9:40 Benjamin: Tzir Hazevel betteen Psagot and Beit El, bomb found. sappers checking (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)



Sunday, November 9, 2014


  • Arabs threw stones at the bus line 959 at the Mei Ami, bus windshield was damaged


  • Arabs threw stones at the bus line 960 Baka el-Gharbiya interchange on Highway 6 North, bus windshield was damaged


  • Arabs attacked Jews who came to Taibeh, pulled him out of his car and set fire to the vehicle. Easy situation facing the Jewish hospital treatment


  • Fureidis village near Zichron Yaakov, Arabs threw an improvised bomb at police officers


22:21 Arabs placed stones on the road blocked nectar-Nahaliel oasis near the village intact (Tazpit New Agency)


21:37 dozens of Arabs threw stones at Road 65 in Wadi Ara as Umm al-Fahm


21:14 Taiba: dozens of Arab rioters near the bridge Taiba Sharon, Highway 444 was closed to traffic


20:58 About 150 Arab demonstrators with PLO flags at the entrance to Shfaram


20:57 Arabs threw stones at worshipers in Hebron (Tazpit New Agency)


20:51 Arabs threw bottles and stones at mingling police force-Tur Jerusalem (Tazpit New Agency)


20:50 Jew was slightly wounded in his hand as he reached Beit Hanina and his friend to buy a sink. From a house threw a stone at him and Arab is injured and evacuated to a medical examination at Shaare Zedek Medical


20:23 dozens of Arabs continue to riot and throw stones near the village of Qana


20:10 Jew was slightly wounded in the head after Arabs pelted his car near Neve Yaakov in Jerusalem


19:45 Arabs throwing stones at the Kiryat Arba settlement fence Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


19:15 Arabs threw stones on the road between the communities to giving up the West Bank. Instead of rioters threw Molotov cocktail and also was damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


19:12 Arabs burned tires near Nazareth in northern


18:50 Arabs threw stones at vehicles Oranit checkpoint near the West Bank, damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


18:37 Arabs threw stones at the light rail in the Beit Hanina in Jerusalem, damaged


18:29 Further Silwad, near Ofra: the street was closed due to Arab riots there (Tazpit New Agency)


18:11 Arabs threw stones at vehicles north of the settlement of Ofra Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


18:10 Arabs threw stones at the vehicles owner Har Bracha settlement in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


17:48 Arabs threw rocks and fireworks at vehicles in Wadi Ara (Tazpit New Agency)


17:09 Road Jerusalem-Tel Aviv: Arabs threw rocks because of Abu Ghosh at bus


16:59 Arabs threw stones at a bus near Mount Scopus tunnel was damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


16:54 Arabs set fire access road tire towers settlement in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


16:44 An Israeli soldier was wounded Arabs throwing rocks near Gush Etzion Arab stick (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


15:57 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the gas station Issawiya, damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


15:54 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the road Gilad Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


14:02 Arabs threw stones at the settlement fence Benjamin peaks Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


14:01 50 Arabs throwing rocks at vehicles near the village of Sinjil Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


13:47 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Deir Nizam West Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


13:21 Arabs threw stones at the bus line 25 Uzi Narkis Street in Jerusalem, damaged


13:07 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Sharqiyah (Tazpit New Agency)


12:34 dozens of Arabs threw stones near the village of Qana


12:32 Arabs set fire to tires near Nazareth in northern


12:05 Arab firebombed fence Mei Ami in Wadi Ara, where a fire broke out


7:50 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near a school in the village Sharqiyah near the settlement of Eli Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)



Shabbat, November 8, 2014


  • Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the bridge Taiba Sharon, the road was blocked to traffic for a certain time and place rioters set tires


  • on Saturday, two IDF soldiers were wounded stone throwing at Bitonia Benjamin (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


22:53 Arab fireworks and stones at police in the Muslim Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem


22:52 Arabs threw stones at the police force-Tur Jerusalem


22:51 Arabs put tire on the road near the settlement of Ofra Benjamin, rioters fled had not yet managed to set fire to it (Tazpit New Agency)


  • Arabs threw stones at Israeli soldiers near Nahal heresy up five (rescue Judea and Samaria)


22:36 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Hizma Benjamin, where rioters set fire to tires on the road (Tazpit New Agency)


  • on Saturday evenings fireworks at IDF forces near Rachel’s Tomb (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


22:01 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near Checkpoint basil, damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


21:28 Arab fireworks at the Old City of Jerusalem Yuri Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


21:09 3 year old boy was lightly injured when Arabs threw stones at his car near the junction of the community Sheila Benjamin, damaged several other vehicles passed by. The boy was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem (Tazpit New Agency)


20:43 Arabs threw an iron bar at a vehicle on Route 443, damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


  • Arabs threw stones at security forces in the Knldih (rescue Judea and Samaria)


20:33 Two passengers were slightly injured when Arabs threw stones at the bus they were traveling on Highway 65 near Umm el-Fahm in Wadi Ara (Tazpit New Agency)


20:23 five passengers sustained minor injuries after whose vehicle overturned by stones thrown at them Arabs Highway 5 near Ariel in Samaria. Three casualties were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital for further medical treatment (Tazpit New Agency)


20:22 Hebron Arabs started a fire near the intersection 202 (Tazpit New Agency)


  • Arabs threw stones at vehicles in Silwan, damaged (rescue Judea and Samaria)


20:14 dozens of Arabs threw stones at police in the Ras al-Amud in Jerusalem


20:13 dozens of Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at police officers in a-Tur Jerusalem


19:42 attacked two different events stones thrown light rail toward Arabs in the Beit Hanina in Jerusalem (Tazpit New Agency)


  • Arabs fireworks at security forces in Wadi Joz in Jerusalem (Judea and Samaria Rescue)


  • Arabs threw stones at the security guards of the house of David in Jerusalem Jonathan (rescue Judea and Samaria)


19:30 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at vehicles on Route 55, near the West Bank village of Azzun, near where a fire (Tazpit New Agency)


19:00 Arabs placed a barrier between the settlement Adora stones on track at Mount Hebron (Tazpit New Agency)


18:03 Arabs placed stones on the road blocked Gilad, the Yitzhar settlement Gilad Farm settlement in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


13:13 Again, dozens of Arabs threw stones at the settlement fence Psagot (Tazpit New Agency)


10:46 Arabs threw stones at the settlement fence Benjamin Psagot (Tazpit News Agency)



Friday, November 7, 2014


  • During the night, Arabs fired fireworks at Jewish homes in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem (Tazpit New Agency)


  • dozens of Arabs threw rocks at security forces in the village of Khirbet Safa (Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron)


  • Arabs threw stones at vehicles cross the road near the village of Beit Yehuda Kahil (rescue Judea and Samaria)


  • Arabs threw stones Masha’Allah Hebron (Judea and Samaria Rescue)


21:24 Arabs set fire to tires on the road between human Square Hizma checkpoint, the road was closed to traffic (Tazpit New Agency)


20:00 Arabs threw a bomb at an IDF force at the entrance to Tsur Baher, Jerusalem, Arab rioters threw dozens of resources in place (Tazpit New Agency)


18:42 Arabs invaded Hill 18 near Kiryat Arba and set fire to a structure in place (Tazpit New Agency)


16: 2 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at the soldiers and vehicles near the village of Sinjil Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


16:13 Arabs threw stones at vehicles Triangle Horse Mount Hebron (Tazpit New Agency)


16:09 Arabs threw stones at a car near the settlement of Itamar in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


16:09 dozens of Arabs threw stones at IDF forces near Ofer Prison (Tazpit New Agency)


15:25 A border policeman was slightly injured Arabs throwing stones near the village of Mount Hebron permeation


14:21 Arabs threw stones at the settlement fence Benjamin peaks Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


14:19 Arabs threw stones at vehicles seepage near the bridge was damaged (Tazpit New Agency)


14:18 Arabs threw stones at the vehicles owner Har Bracha in Samaria (Tazpit New Agency)


13:37 Arabs threw rocks because the village Beitin Benjamin at vehicles traveling on Route 60 near the (agency Observation)


13:26 Dozens of Arab rioting and throwing stones Jerusalem neighborhood of Shuafat Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


13:19 Arabs threw stones at the vehicles owner Benjamin peaks settlement, near the red curve (Tazpit New Agency)


13:18 Arabs threw stones at vehicles and IDF forces near the village of Aboud West Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


13:08 Arabs threw stones at vehicles bend in the spring Gush Etzion (Tazpit New Agency)


12:58 Arabs threw stones at the gate to the house fan Agency (Tazpit News Agency)


12:47 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 60 near the intersection settlement of Givat Assaf Benjamin, damaged several vehicles (Tazpit New Agency)


12:40 dozens of Arabs threw rocks and set fire to fields near the village were read Benjamin (Tazpit New Agency)


12:39 About 200 Arab rioters near the intersection of Judea Mount Hebron. The rioters threw Molotov cocktails and stones at IDF forces (Tazpit New Agency)


11:50 Arabs threw stones at vehicles in the Al Fawwar Mount Hebron (Tazpit New Agency)


8:31 Fighter Police sustained minor injuries during the Arab riots in the Old City of Jerusalem. Instead of dozens of Arabs rioted shot fireworks and threw stones at troops

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