Lockdown Wont Defeat Us!

We are sending you love, thoughts and prayers during these trying times!

We have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on phone calls, Zoom meetings and Facetime during the past 8 weeks. For many victims of terror, OneFamily is their only lifeline. We are working tirelessly to provide our members with “resilience tools,” because the trauma of the COVID19 crisis is causing regression.

Our demand has increased during this pandemic, so we have expanded and developed new remote services and activities, to meet these challenges. OneFamily staff and volunteers have been working non-stop to help the bereaved and injured families during these trying times.

OneFamily has given out thousands of dollars’ worth of food vouchers to hundreds of families who need financial aid desperately. These families were already living on a low income and due to unemployment, they are completely stranded. One orphan shared, “Your help saved our holiday table.”

We’ve created safe remote social services for therapy, as well as team building workshops, psychodrama, initiated memorial services for family’s that needed are help, virtual birthday parties for lonely children and much more. Some needy families also received a desktop or laptop from OneFamily to ensure that their children have the opportunity to participate in online schooling and the virtual activities from our Youth Department. In response, one orphan wrote, “Thank you for giving me light in a time of darkness.”

Our Youth counselors have been in constant contact with their children that they care for all year round. One child told her counselor, “Call me everyday, it’s the only good thing happening right now.” They created on- line activities to help the children deal with their fears and anxieties during this time, promoting self-thought and deep conversations amongst the children. One girl shared in her group, “All my siblings are at home, we are all here, except it is not everyone. My sister is more missed than ever, because we are all together.” Watching children come together, help one another, and share their deepest feelings and thoughts has been so rewarding for us to witness.

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