With Purim just around the corner, OneFamily staff members, supporters and volunteers joined by members of the police force are racing against the clock to complete hand delivery of over two thousand mishloach manot to terror victims across the country.
Every year OneFamily packs and delivers mishloach manot to families left injured, traumatized or bereaved by terror attacks, sending out a message that they are not alone. From Kiryat Shmona in the North to Eilat in the South, our volunteers and regional coordinators travel the length and breadth of Israel making sure that every family receives a package.
All it takes is a knock on the door, a hug and kiss and tears of joy, as the families who have known so much sorrow enjoy a few moments of happiness and a package of sweets.
On behalf of the thousands of victims of terror OneFamily would like to take this opportunity to wish you all Purim Sameach. Your love and support enables us to rebuild lives shattered by terror.