MK Yehuda Glick Speaks of Struggle of Bereavement

Yehuda Glick is not just a member of Knesset. He’s also a terror victim himself and a bereaved husband following the death of his wife Yaffa this year.

Yehuda spoke about his recovery from terror and the loss of his wife at KRA, 5th Avenue and Lincoln Square Synagogues on behalf of OneFamily.  Yaffa died after a long battle with depression that began when Yehuda was shot by a terrorist in 2014.

As Yehuda underwent extensive rehabilitation and Yaffa quit her job to at his side every moment. For her, however, the experience brought back the horror she experienced in her first marriage, when her husband died of cancer, leaving her with

Yehuda said he has still not stopped crying for his wife, nearly one year after her passing.

“When you bury your wife, it is not enough to cry,” he said. “When you bury her, you are crying; when you come back from the funeral; you are crying, when you sit at the first Shabbat Seudah alone, you are crying; the first holiday alone, you are crying; when you deal with challenges and there is no partner helping solve the dilemmas, – crying,” he continued.

“When you come home from an exhausting day of work and there is no one to hug- crying, when you get up in the morning and the sink is full of dishes, -crying. When you do not get a phone call the whole day asking, ‘Where are you? When are you coming home?’

“And then there is crying even when there is no reason to cry,” he said.

Yehuda noted that Yaffa managed to get out of bed for the yoga, creative writing, and photo-therapy groups she attended at OneFamily, coming to the center three times each week.

“The only time Yaffa showed signs of happiness was when she went to activities at OneFamily,” he said.

He said the organization’s work helps people cope with their loss and find strength and resilience. But the biggest victims, he says, are not always those who have been targeted by the terrorists. Sometimes, they are the people at the side of those who were.

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