Support the Samuel Belzberg Memorial Fund

Samuel BelzbergOur hearts go out to OneFamily founder and chairman Marc Belzberg on the death of his father, Samuel Belzberg.

Mr. Belzberg leaves a long legacy of philanthropy, including the founding of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Vancouver. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Frances, his sister Lil, his children Cheri, Marc, Wendy and Lisa, 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. May his memory be a blessing.

To honor his memory, the family has established the Samuel Belzberg Memorial fund, which will benefit children who lost parents to terrorism, to provide them with educational opportunities they otherwise would not have.

To donate with US dollars, go to or call Gabby at (212) 849-6871.

To donate with Canadian dollars go to or call Gary at (416) 489-9687.

1 Comment

  1. Kristy Morris

    Dearest Fran and family, Bruce and I are heartbroken and so sorry for your loss. We have been praying for our Lord to comfort you. I have posted this on Facebook.
    onefamilytogether is a beautiful and powerful fund to honour him. We don’t have much money, but as I spoke to Samuel on the phone when calling Fran I explained to him one of my priorities is to turn every Christian Church in Vancouver and wherever to support Israel as well as their Jewish communities. This is commanded .. To Bless Israel.
    In honour of Mr Belzberg, I am more determined and fervent in this goal. He said to me” young lady , you have a huge job you have committed to”. I know with God all things are possible…. and need be die, we will for this cause.
    God Bless You
    Shalom Israel
    Bruce and Kristy Morris

    April 3, 2018

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