Asael Shabo Inspires at Maccabiah Games

(Video produced by Maccabiah Games)

Asael skating
Asael ice skating at OneFamily Camp

Asael Shabo is a true hero and an real inspiration.

In 2002, when Asael was 9-years old, terrorists broke into his family home in Itamar and opened fire on his family. His mother and three of his brothers were killed. A bullet hit Asael in his knee, shattering it completely. He nearly bled to death as he played dead so the terrorists would pass him by. When help came, they could not save his leg. It had to be amputated.

Asael came to OneFamily and bravely faced his challenges. He attended camp and took part in OneFamily’s Youth Division for years. Despite living with one leg, he remained committed to becoming an athlete. He took up swimming, first as a therapeutic activity and then as a competitor. Eventually, he turned to wheelchair basketball, and has emerged as one of the top players in Israel.

When OneFamily published its book of stories from children who lost parents, Longing for a Hug, Asael contributed his own story. He wrote about his memories of his mother. He ended his recollection with a note of inspiration he continues to get from his mother:

It’s been six years since the attack, and today, with my prosthetic leg, I can do everything. I ride horses, water-ski, volunteer for MDA, ice skate and roller blade.


One day, I hope to compete the Para-Olympics.


I know that my mother wouldn’t have wanted me to get stuck—she would have wanted me to move forward. I am moving forward.

Today, Asael has continues to hone his athletic skills and puts them on display at competitions such as the Maccabiah games. He fully embodies the meaning of overcoming terror, and we are proud to be a part of his journey.


1 Comment

  1. Tiby Lapkin

    Kol ha kavod!! I’m so impressed by your inspiring accomplishments. Your Ima must be cheering for you!

    July 14, 2017

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