A Purim Message from our CEO

Dear Friends,

With Purim nearly upon us, and everyone searching for the perfect costume, it’s important to remember that we only wear costumes one day of the year but victims of terror wear them each and every day. They wear masks to cover the pain they feel, the turmoil they want to hide so that others will relate to them as normal people.

it is also a time to think about the ones who can’t find joy in the holiday because the pain of their loss is too great, and the needy, those who struggle to put food on the table for Purim.

Since last Purim, 14 people have been killed and dozens injured. We have seen some of the worst attacks in recent memory – the stabbing of a 13-year old girl in her own bed, a shooting spree at a crowded Tel Aviv eatery, a truck running over soldiers enjoying a day in Jerusalem.

Some survived with wounds that will last a lifetime.

OneFamily has opened its doors to all the new victims and continues to help thousands who have suffered over the past 15 years. The wave of terror has stretched our resources.

We ask you to think of OneFamily, and help us provide victims of terror with emotional, financial and legal support in a time when it is most needed.

Join us in our pledge to rebuild, rehabilitate, and reintegrate the lives of Israel’s victims of terror. We cannot do this without you.

Please Help us Help Those Who Need It Most

Please Donate Generously

With gratitude and appreciation, warmest wishes for a joyful Purim.

Chantal Belzberg

CEO of OneFamily

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