A Letter to a Deceased Father


An Israeli camper at Camp Timberlane in Canada wrote a moving letter to a father who was killed by terrorists.

Dear Abba,

About a week ago Neta and I returned home, after spending three and half weeks at Camp Tiberlane in Canada. We were able to attend the camp through the help of OneFamily, an organization that helps Israeli victims of terror. During the trip, we stayed for five days with a wonderful family in Toronto. The trip and visit was a “once in a lifetime experience!” We made lots of new friends from Canada and Israel.

In one of the activities by the lake at the camp, an Israeli councilor spoke to me and another child who is also part of OneFamily and said there is a saying from Winnie-the-Pooh, that he said just seconds before eating honey, “There was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were (eating).” The time at camp in Canada I say was “an experience exactly like that- unparalleled.”

On Friday night at camp, after dinner, we had a short ceremony every week which is a reflective religious service, called “Chapel”. The theme varies each week, but it is always tied into the camp philosophy and culture. At the last Chapel, we discussed what OneFamily is and what the organization does. The kids who came with OneFamily spoke about their loss. Einav and I spoke about you and talked about Shahar. It was important to talk about continuing your traditions and to teach the Canadians about the Israeli story and how many people have been killed and injured in terror attacks.

There are people who feel after they are bereaved that they need to take everything on account of the person who died, but I feel differently. I know you are watching over me and this trip was like a gift from you as you watch over me.

I want to say thank you for all the wonderful gifts you give me.

Thank you Abba.

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