Terror victim Adele Bennett Celebrates Hair Cutting Ceremony of Son Natan

Adele and Natan

In October, Adele Bennett suffered the greatest loss of her life. While strolling through the Old City with her husband Aharon, 2 ½ year old son Natan, and infant daughter Shlomit, a terrorist attacked the family, killing Aharon and severely wounding Adele. Natan suffered a bullet wound in his leg.

Miraculously, Adele and Aharon survived and Shlomit escaped without injury. Six months later, Natan reached the age of 3, and Adele marked his passage with a traditional Upsherin ceremony and a meal to express gratitude that her and her children’s lives were spared.

OneFamily was delighted and honored to help Adele celebrate on Monday evening. The event was attended by about 100 members of her family and those who have supported Adele and her children.

“It makes us happy to see the bravery with which Adele is dealing with injuries and severe trauma she experienced,” said OneFamily CEO Chantal Belzberg. “Like everyone here, we are pained that Aharon is not here to celebrate with us, but take comfort in the precious family and the legacy he left behind.”

OneFamily’s Esther Daniatov, Mindee Levinger, and Chantan Belzberg surround Adele Bennett,

The ceremony was also attended by the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Chief Rabbi of Safed Shmuel Eliyahu, and former Shas leader Eli Yishai.

Mindee Levinger, OneFamily’s coordinator, said it was important for Adele to show that while she continues to cope with the pain of losing her husband, she has chosen to move forward with her life. Adele also wanted to ensure that Arahon’s legacy was passed on to Natan in a meaningful way.

At the ceremony, Adele said the event was a mixture of joy and sadness. She was certain, she said, that Aharon wanted his son’s upsherin to be a happy occasion.

Former Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar congratulates Michael Benita, father of Aharon z”l and Natan.

“Each day is very hard,” she said, referring to the challenges she faces raising her children on her own and overcoming the trauma the family has suffered. “This is an exciting event and a closure. We want to thank all the people who support us as a family. It’s special people who have helped.”

Adele’s mother Miriam, noted that Natan continues to long for his missing father.  “He asks a lot of questions,” she said. “He looks as the sky and says, ‘My father is in heaven.”

See news coverage of the event at the following links:






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