OneFamily Poll: 77% of Israelis Feel Unsafe

Adana Awaka in Hospital 2015One in five people in Israel know someone who has suffered in the current wave of terror, and 77% of the public feels unsafe in the current climate, according to a poll sponsored by OneFamily and published by the Jerusalem Post.

OneFamily Director Chantal Belzberg told the Jerusalem Post that OneFamily will continue to serve the needs of terror victims as long as necessary.

“Due to this recent wave of attacks we are holding additional gatherings, visiting hospitals and with victims’ families, much more frequently” she said. “This is our way of dealing with the deteriorating sense of the personal security – staying together as one family.”

In addition, 81% said they had changed their behavior as a result of the violence. Only 4% said their personal sense of security had not been impacted in recent months.

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