OneFamily victims of terror were honored before a Maccabbi Tel Aviv basketball game on Chanukah with a special candle lighting ceremony.
The team invited four year-old Tahel Sofer (pictures with her mothe on far right) to light one of the candles. Tahel was badly burned in a Molotov cocktail attack on her family car. Sixteen year-old Elchanan Yifrach (pictured third from left, in scarf), whose brother Eyal was kidnapped and killed last summer, also lit a candle in front of a huge stadium audience.
The audience included Marc and Chantal Belzberg, founders of OneFamily, as well as the Sofer and Yiftach families. In addition, the Ben Israel family, which was wounded in a car ramming, and Harel and Yonatan, who lost their brother to terror in a shooting last year, attended the ceremony, dedicated to the victims of terror.
Chantal Belzberg noted that “the trauma stays with them for the rest of their lives and it is important that we all work together to brighten their days and help them out over the course of their lives. It is very symbolic that over the course of the holiday of lights we give our children strength “the Maccabbis” symbolize the winning of the nation of Israel in the past and present.”
CEO of Maccabbi Tel Aviv, Eli Dikras said the team was thrilled to give the children strength. “We told them that they are not alone and we are there with them on this holiday and for all the days to come. We are experiencing some difficult days on a national and as long as Maccabi Tel Aviv could help out they will be there.”