Aaron Bennet zl’ and Rabbi Nechemia Lavi zl’

We embrace the families of Aaron Bennet zl’ and Rabbi Nechemia Lavi zl’ , who were stabbed to death tonight in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Aaron Bennet zl’ , 22 years old, a construction inspector, and an ultra-Orthodox Israeli IDF soldier, was walking to the Kotel with his wife and two year old child. His wife continues to fight for her life in the hospital. Their child was wounded in one leg. Please pray for her, Aidel Bat Miriam and her son Natan ben Aidel.

Rabbi Nechemia Levy zl’, leaves behind his wife and 7 children. Having heard the screaming while at home, he ran downstairs to rescue the young Bennet family, and was stabbed to death by the same terrorist.
Rabbi Nechemia recently finished the officer’s course in the IDF, enabling him to continue serving his country beyond the retirement age for regular soldiers.
Rabbi Lavi taught in the Old City elementary school “Moriah “.

Nechemia’s wife Netta is a teacher in the girls school in the Old City.
Their oldest son is in 9th grade, their little one is 1.5 years old.
Shiva will be in Bet El at his parents house, Yechezkel Halevi, adv.

Aaron Bennet zl' and Rabbi Nechemia Lavi zl'

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