Netanyahu Supports OneFamily

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“If there is one purpose to which we must give our unstinting support, it is the activities of the OneFamily fund, and I don’t say this flippantly.”

With these words, Binyamin Netanyahu summed up the evening of support and solidarity, whose guests included Israel’s top business leaders.

This emotional evening was the beginning of a campaign to increase Israeli awareness of the impact of terrorism. For regardless how terrible terrorism has become, many across the spectrum of the Israeli cultural and business society neither understand nor are fully aware of the harsh results of terrorism – the daily effects terror can have on its victims, through the loss of a loved one, economic hardship, relationships between family members, and their connection with those around them. The lives of those who are left behind become unrecognizable. What was once important has become barely incidental. Many of the victims, who were once active members of society, can now barely survive the day, and find it difficult to keep their heads above water.

The audience was made up of people who control national businesses and large conglomerates. They were all left open-mouthed when Meir Schijveschuurder related how he and his siblings live today, in the shadow of terror, or when Gabi Zada looked them in the face and said, “We have become broken vessels, dust. We have lost everything – family, jobs, income, and most of all our self-respect. I survived. My friends didn’t. But my life has changed completely. I am not the same person. And without these honorable people at OneFamily, my family and I would have been simply wiped out.”

Their stories were difficult, but they left a strong impression on those who were there. “Lend your support,” Netanyahu finished. “Help this vital organization, which is simply doing G-d’s work, continue onward and do what no one else is prepared or able to do.”

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