OneFamily’s Basketball Team of Terror Victims

During the 2005-06 season, the OneFamily Fund’s Young Adults Division organized a basketball team comprised of victims of terrorism, to take part in the Jerusalem inter-office league.

The OneFamily team was composed of bereaved siblings and wounded victims.  Our 9-member squad took pride in representing victims of terror against teams from Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the National Insurance Institute, the Jewish Agency, the Ministry of Transportation, and many others.

The idea behind it all came from BenZion Schijeveschuurder, who lost five members of his family in the 2001 Sbarro suicide bombing.  Along with OneFamily volunteer and bereaved mother Dina Kit, BenZion fielded the team from OneFamily’s Young Adults Division.  After one year playing together the guys formed a very close bond.

In May 2006 OneFamily completed it’s season placing 2nd in our league and 3rd in the National Tournament held in Eilat.

OneFamily would like to thank Jonathan Kolber and Koor Industries, Ltd. for sponsoring our team.

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